onsdag 21. januar 2009

Observasjoner om frihet.

Barbie had thought of releasing the parakeet many times. But the deciding factor, even with the certainty of a mother's wrath, had been the photo session. In one of the photos, Hamilton Waverly had perched Barbie on a rung inside a large bird cage, and the trapped feeling it caused was enough to make her reconsider her pet's situation. Also there was the possibility of giving the cage to Mab as a present - not to confine her there, of course, just as a place for her to play, a sort of summer cottage.

She opened the tiny door and the bird stepped out onto her finger. Its tiny claws reminded Barbie of Mab's slightly long toenails. It looked at her, hesitated only briefly, and then flew away. Barbie hoped it would find a flock of other escaped or freed domestic birds somewhere in the valley. At least the chance og that happening was better than the chance of Mab finding more girls like her. And after being inside a cage, Barbie was sure the risk was worth it.

Francesca Lia Block, I Was a Teenage Fairy.

Ettersom det henger et fuglebur over bordet og leker lampe
ble det tvingende nødvendig å lage litt
kunst med fugler uten bur.

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